Sunday, December 5, 2010

Responding In The Moment

I find it interesting in my role at the church the number of times I get an email or a word in passing on a Sunday morning asking the church to rally behind a cause, an individual, or a project that they have encountered and have been so impacted by it that they recognise the enormity of the situation and have started to seek out help for the solution.

So when Kathleen and I were exposed to some orphans that have HIV/Aids and a very compassionate man who is attempting to stop the HIV/Aids tide in the Nkonya area, well, it’s easy to come to the same conclusion. One wants so desperately to help solve the problem it’s natural to begin to think about all the resources you have or may have access to, the greatest being the church you attend. You have an overwhelming urge to call the church and ask it to rally and then anyone else that will give you their ear.

I have no problem accepting the reality of God calling some of us to a greater level of ownership on an issue, and along with that, provide you with the creative means of rallying others to the table. But I think that for the most part, God just wants the individual to just do the simple part that is staring them in the face. Do with the resources that God has given to you personally. Do it well and be generous. Then trust God to take care of tomorrow for that which he showed you today. For me, for Kathleen . . . for you, I think what God really wants from us is to just do our part. Whatever resources he has given to you, ask Him what He would have you give, then just do that part. It is so compelling to take the whole problem upon ourselves to try and fix things and forget that it is now and always has been in God’s hands, and he is the one bringing his resources to bear on the issue. We just happen to be asked to participate with Him today.

My personal rant: It’s not necessarily the local church’s responsibility to own whatever He tugs at your heart about. He is asking you to participate, don’t miss the opportunity. You are the church, so be the church. What is CrossRoads responsibility? Two things I think. First, do everything we can to equip you to be the church. Secondly, be listening to God and asking him what we are to do for him as a local body of Christ. We currently have some key focal points that we sense God has called us to participate in and so we will be diligent about those things. You can read about them on our web site.

Together we can change our world for the sake of Christ.

No matter where you are, whether at home or in Africa or Lebanon, if you and I are listening to God and then responding to his call on our hearts to participate in the moment with what we each have, then I think there would be much more done in our own local communities and around the world.

During these weeks away Kathleen and I have been asking God what is our part in the work here in Africa and in Lebanon. Perhaps we are done; perhaps there is more. But I am sure he will tell us and we will make ourselves ready to respond.

Are you listening? Have you responded lately?



  1. Amen, and amen. Your daughter had to remind of this just lately. I am not in this world to "fix" everything. (She gave me permission not to "fix" - reminded me of Jordan!) I can be used by God as part of His Body to pray and help as I can at the moment. Stressing myself to "fix" things does not make God happy (I think). Joyfully doing what you can with what you have - does.
    I love your words Jordan. God has blessed you and Faye with communication with words.

  2. God just wants the individual to just do the simple part that is staring them in the face. Do with the resources that God has given to you personally. Do it well and be generous. Then trust God to take care of tomorrow for that which he showed you today.
    I really liked this as I often take on more than what God is asking of me. We have to be faithful with what He has given us and faithful to his calling.

  3. I find it disgusting you would support a man who preyed on children. Mark Archibald has done what he has done his whole life, manipulated.
    He was charged, plead guilty to sexually assaulting 3 youth and convicted. This does not erase what happened. This does not make "it better"" While he was a youth pastor (in a position of trust). Why is the church supporting and backing these predators ? I do not understand.... if it was your child ....if it was your sister...your brother.....would that change for you? Victims suffer a life time of trama when violated as a child. The last thing the church should be doing is "supporting" this, why not support the children? I can assure you he has many more children he abused in his life. The 3 that came forward were not an isolated incident. How many does it take for the church to wake up? How much innocence lost, lives destructed, families torn apart.


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